Blue Jai’s Back!

img_1783Hello again!

As you might have gathered, I’ve had a brief hiatus from the blog – but for a very good reason: The Bloke and I took Marvel Girl and Miss Malaprop overseas for the first time. We had a week in California and another week in Hawaii, and are now home again, tired but happy.

Needless to say, we had an awesome time — and I might get around to writing about some of it once I wrap my head around being back in Sydney again. But knowing that this blog is where I come to make sense of it all, there will no doubt be episodes from our travels that need to be unravelled here.

img_1822You will guess from the pictures I’ve included the sorts of adventures we had overseas, but I was delighted to discover that my kids are as enamoured with the unspoiled beauty of the natural world as they are with the carefully constructed pagentry of theme parks. There were plenty of other discoveries I made too, but more of those later.

In the meantime, I just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth, I’ve just been dragging my family around the other side of it.

And finally, I have to admit that despite Miss Malaprop’s issues with various aspects of The Wizard of Oz  (previously documented here), Dorothy was absolutely spot on about one thing.

There’s no place like home.

2 thoughts on “Blue Jai’s Back!

    • Thanks, lovely…I tried to explain to the kids when we were away that home is wherever we are all together, but they’re still a smidge to young to get that concept in its entirety. But it is in a sense of place too, and I felt a little pang when I drove past your place today. Sending you love. jx


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